Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Unexpected Photo Shoot

Text ColorI wake this morning later than usual and well rested..with my fantastic new cocktail of Costa Rican rich coffee and St John's Wort~watch out world! My spa opening duties breeze by, I sail through most of the day without incident, however the work is piling up.

Oh I forgot about our local area welcoming center's website has a local originals. My owner is being featured as an original and we need props to represent her and the spa. Huh. Well this should be interesting. Oh at the end of the day. yep, should be interesting. We end up without a "model" ..she tried tons of people. I end up being the model. Hopefully my face will get covered with a mask or something.

Surprise~we are running late, again. The website rep is waiting on us and we unload the props. We use flowers, products, robes, rollers, brushes..my boss and I. huh. It took a while warming up to the camera, but we did manage to pick 10. I'm excited. This has been on my list of things to do for a while now..damn that list. def need to add more fun to the list. Did I mention that we get an 8 x 10 of the two of us. Hooray! I can't wait to work on that website, its going to be a big project...who knows where that path will lead.

My husband gets Nat's Tickets for tonight. This is already our 3rd game, it's hard to watch a team loose over and over. But we still cheer hard for them, with this area is very "transitional" for people..meaning they have came from a favorite team..and they are usually playing the Nats...and the Nat's usually loose. They are the definate underdog (in our nations capitol) hmmm. any who, an unexpected rainstorm kept us indoors. Our day will come Nats. Our day will come.

Dinner was fantastic, tender, sweet, juicy pork. I've always liked pork. The storm passed and the sky opened in several brilliant colors. What a great night. Hmm wonder if this has anything to do with day one of the Costa Rican Coffee and St John's Wort cocktail. Interesting.

Bye for now

Monday, April 20, 2009

Earth Day

Wow. Just watched Planet Earth with the producers commenting on each area. There are some inovating ideas to help our planet. It also showcased areas ~ remote islands that are on the cutting edge of conserving energy. Crazy to see the changes ahead, what an exciting time. This show inspired me to tighten up our recycling regiment. Also worked on organizing our laundry and bathroom storage areas.

Also knocked off a few things on my on-going list of things to do. Definately need to add more "fun" thing to do on that list!

It was a rainy day, all day.

Not sure if it was the rain, but I ended up cooking serveral meals..really. Lunch for me and the husband..tonights dinner, sloppy joes, and pudding. Feels good.

I can't help but to think of less productive Earth Day's of the past...I wore white dresses and straw hats for two years straight. Music festivals and dancing barefoot in the grass. Boy I miss the old days..

The First Time is The Hardest

This week I had to fire an employee for breaking their contract with my employer.  Now we will call this  employee Andy...and Andy has been a complete mess, emotional -perhaps bi polar..and this person always caused problems within the spa.  This should be easy, it will definately make my life easier.  However this is no easy task, Andy is working right down the road and has signed a no compete contract.  This contract states he cannot work within a 5 mile radius for 12 months after working with the spa.  Now he is less than a mile down the road and working both places! ah!

I scheduled my appointment with Andy in his "new" spa.  It is a nice Hotel Spa and thank goodness for the "calming" environment, my nerves were shot!  I pre paid my treatment and relaxed with a wonderful white tea with coconut.  Boy I miss Hawaii.  However, my inner voice and backgound music paid Tom Petty's~ I Won't Back Down..and when Andy shows to pick up his client I say "Oh I hoped it wasn't you" and ask for his resignation due to his obvious breach of contract.  Pass him his documentation and copy of contract, shake his hand and hold my head up high.  

What a beautiful day.  Sun shining...a new day.  I made the choice to not fire a person on hearsay.  I did make the choice to fire someone on someone else's home turf.  Guess that's one  for the books.  (betcha that's not the last time we hear from Andy)  Now onward ~ I have to hire a new therapist and assistant!